RecoMed can only recycle non-infectious PVC from clinical sources, and only certain types of device as they must meet certain criteria. Items must be clean and have had all strapping and non PVC parts removed where possible, prior to placing in the bin for recycling.

- Anaesthetic masks
- Oxygen masks
- Oxygen tubing
- Strapping or other attachments
- Other clinical plastics waste
- Other recyclables
- General waste
If in doubt, throw it out
Just because something is plastic doesn’t mean RecoMed can recycle it.
Why does it matter what goes in the bin?
If you put items we can’t recycle in a RecoMed bin, you waste money, can put people’s safety at risk, and can cause problems for the scheme as a whole.
To find out more about why it’s so important to use the bins correctly, see Avoiding contamination.